The following section is a collection of resources about applying to, or careers in Data Science and more broadly, careers in technology.

Disclaimer: This is informal advice and purely opinion, read at your own caution

Careers in Data Science and Technology for LSE Students

There are numerous careers in Data Science and Technology / Software Engineering ; it depends broadly. In addition, it depends very much on your career interest.

For LSE students, a path to pursue could be something like:

1st years - Apply for the "Spring Weeks" in Technology.

2nd years - Look for a "Data Science" internship, or otherwise a "Software Engineering" / tech internship

3rd year - Look for a "Data Science" internship if you are considering a Masters, or a full time "Data Scientist" / "Software Engineer" role.

Masters - List of Masters in Data Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science

PHD - Should I do a Phd?

Course Choices

What optional modules should I select at LSE: Course Choices

Guide to starting a career in data science:
